HERODOT: Tourism Uses of the Historic Environment. Know-how Transfer & Quality Management Practices at Local Level (C.I. INTERREG IIIB Archimed 2000-2006, Measure 3.2).

The HERODOT project is a transnational co-operation programme that deals with heritage management and interpretation in selected areas in Italy and Greece. The partners of HERODOT are:
- The University of Aegean – IRIS Research Laboratory (Greece) LEAD PARTNER
- The University of Basilicata (Italy)
- The University of Bari (Italy)
- The University of Catania (Italy)
- The Science and Technology Park of Sicily – S.C.P.A. (Italy)
- The Region of Sicily (Italy) The Mediterranean University of Reggio Di Calabria (Italy)
- The Development Agency of Trichonida (Greece)
- The Development Agency of Olympia (Greece)
- The Development Agency of Drama (Greece)
The main goals of the HERODOT programme are:
- to educate partners by transferring transnational know-how and diffuse a model able to produce quality experiences using the historic environment. Partners create in collaborative scheme a heritage manual withHeritage Typologies Significance Assessment Process Accessibility NetworksEconomic Valuation Cultural Heritage Consumption Mix Planning Process
- to offer partners a distance and e-learning course in tourism planning, heritage management and interpretation along with an e-Library with tourism planning tools
- to develop methodologies to use the historic environment as an agent for sustainable tourism by producing quality visitor experiences
- to develop a specific methodology for managing leisure time by creating visitor friendly, physically, economically and intellectually accessible heritage attractions, which meet visitors’ needs and market requirements, while maintaining authenticity and integrity by offering a heritage manual
- to implement selected pilot projects in the partner areas
- to disseminate results on the basis of e- and print media
For more details please visit the website / Περισσότερα δείτε στην ιστοσελίδα του προγράμματος.