The need to produce high-added value tourism products and establish novel tourism policies to sustain later on locally produced heritage tourism, is strictly interwoven with the need to let collaborative networks and strategic partnerships emerge at cross border level.
ALLECTOR will involve actors from various administrative and social levels, so as to strengthen their capacity to effectively manage heritage for tourism. These collaborative networks will deliver three main outcomes:
a) (re) activation of human capital by intense know-how transfer of innovative practices -directly deriving from research conducted,
b) local authority empowerment by diffusing policies regarding heritage management and tourism planning and
c) the development of local and regional strategic partnerships. By delivering local and regional strategic partnerships, ALECTOR encourages various action groups to co-operate, bring together key organizations, stakeholders and actors, from the three spheres of state, market and civil society, to identify further needs and priorities.
ALECTOR proposes a cognitive and educational framework for using of a place’s assets, which would guide final beneficiaries (regions, communities, SMEs) to identify, signify, valorize and manage their natural and cultural resources, in order to use heritage potential as a vehicle for tourism.
Most up to dated innovative know-how will result in visitor-centric communication policies, and policies about the management of leisure time, an issue directly related to the competitiveness of places’ and regions’ in the sector of tourism. These policies will enable final beneficiaries to develop tailor-made heritage strategies and defend their cultural assets against a globalizing world.
By delivering a series of pilot projects to serve regions and localities as best practices ALECTOR helps diffuse project results at a cross border-wide level giving birth to further economic and social development.
The overall objective of the project, is to improve the effectiveness of regional cultural heritage policies, improving in this way to the ability of partners and regions to develop high added value heritage tourism products and services.
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